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MySQL Workbench 설치 또는 Failed to Connect to MySQL at 127.0.01:3306 with user root 에러 해결

by artra 2023. 7. 31.


MySQL Workbench

Failed to Connect to MySQL at 127.0.01:3306 with user root

Unable to connect to localhost


MySQL 설치후 위같은 에러가 뜬다면





MySQL :: Download MySQL Installer

Note: MySQL 8.0 is the final series with MySQL Installer. As of MySQL 8.1, use a MySQL product's MSI or Zip archive for installation. MySQL Server 8.1 and higher also bundle MySQL Configurator, a tool that helps configure MySQL Server.



위 사이트를 들어간다음에


맨 아래 331.3M 용량을 다운로드한다. (32-bit???? 안심하자 좀있다보면 64-bit 가 나온다)


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Finish ~!


아까 설정한 8자리 비번 입력!


그러면 완료!


이제 Download MySQL Sample Database 다운로드




MySQL Sample Database

This page provides you with a MySQL sample database that helps you to practice with MySQL effectively and quickly. You can download the sample database and load it into your MySQL Server.



노란색 체크에 텍스트를 클릭하면 


파일을 다운로드하고 압축을풀면 위 파일이 보인다.



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